On this special day, we’re rallying team AOII to make a game-changing impact. Picture this: the crowd's energy is electric, the excitement is building, and we’re calling on YOU to take the shot and be a part of something extraordinary.
It's Pi Day!
Pi Day is Alpha Omicron Pi's special day of giving, inspired by the mathematical constant π (pi), which equals 3.14. Each year on March 14, AOII sisters come together to celebrate the power of giving and support the AOII Foundation.
Join in on the fun by making a special Pi Day donation! We encourage members to give 3.14 times the number of years they have been an initiated member—an equation that turns your years of AOII membership into a meaningful gift.
Every Pi Day gift benefits the Loyalty Fund, the AOII Foundation's unrestricted fund. Your donation provides the flexibility to support the area where it's needed most—from funding scholarships and leadership programs, to strengthening the Ruby Fund, to administering the Foundation's programs and other vital initiatives.
As our dedicated donors rally behind Team AOII this Pi Day, keep visiting our page to track the Foundation's journey toward our $175,000 goal.
Across the U.S. and Canada, Team AOII’s starting lineup is well represented on the map! Explore our interactive heatmap to track where our members are making an impact.
Get ahead of the game with the Warm Up Match! Heading out of town? Juggling childcare duties or simply eager to jump into the action right away? Your contribution will be matched dollar for dollar (including all challenge pages), up to $25,000. Thank you for being an early supporter of Team AOII.
Beginning at 5 p.m. CT on March 14, all donations will be matched dollar for dollar (including all challenge pages), up to $22,000. Help us beat the buzzer and reach our goal!
Each time a sister who was initiated between 2020–2025 donates, she will unlock a match gift—meaning her gift will be doubled!
When Alumnae Chapter members give on this match page, their gifts will be matched dollar for dollar up to $5,000, meaning your impact is doubled! Alumnae Chapters are also invited to get in on the game through this match by making a donation using Pi Day Math—3.14 x the total number of sisters in your alumnae chapter.
Give to the Alumnae Chapter Match
This Pi Day, we have three match categories where your donation will be doubled! Match dollars have been generously contributed by the women named below. This team of 72 donors made a game-changing commitment, collectively contributing $100,000 to establish these matches—their generosity is a slam dunk in our hearts!
Allison Allgier, Phyllis Austin, Angela Baker, Ginger Banks, Karen Bassett, Nora Behan, Kandy Bernskoetter, Jessica Bertsch, Julie Bishop, Susan Bonifield, Lacey Bowman, Laura Boyer, Barb Bruning, Murph Callahan, Brittany Carter, Jo Cole, Crystal Grafton Combs ,Yvette Connor, Kath Conver, Nicole Cronenwett, Susan Danko, Barbara Dannenberg, Meagan Davies, Andrea Dill, Tasha Dolan, Gayle Fitzpatrick, Judy Flessner, Kara Frank, Lori Goede, Linda Grandolfo, Kandyce Harber, Beverly Hatcher, Karen Hickman, Nancy Hohmann, Ardeen Hoke, Barbara Hunt, Ilinca Iacob, Carole Jones, Caroline Lazzara, Michelle Lopez, Carly Petersen Loth, Karen Marchese, Ann McCord, Kari McCullough, Vicki Menna, Beth Anne Merida, Leslie Michaels, Chris Miller, Kaya Miller, Dana Moreland, Toni Morgan, Lisa Niedenthal, Julie O’Brien, Kaci O’Donnell, Terry Palmer, Rissa Reddan, Cindee Riordan, Chantel Scheiffer, Kathy Sowell, Susan Jane Story, Meghan Stringer, Joyce Strout, Jessica Toner, Dionn Tronn, Carey Unger, Cindy Visot, Dian Volkmer, Sally Wagaman, Jessie Wang-Grimm, Anne Wilmes, Leslie Wininger, Barb Zipperian
Allison Allgier
Allison Allgier
Phyllis Austin
Angela Baker
Ginger Banks
Karen Bassett
Nora Behan
Kandy Bernskoetter
Jessica Bertsch
Julie Bishop
Susan Bonifield
Lacey Bowman
Laura Boyer
Barb Bruning
Murph Callahan
Brittany Carter
Jo Cole
Crystal Grafton Combs
Yvette Connor
Kath Conver
Nicole Cronenwett
Susan Danko
Barbara Dannenberg
Meagan Davies
Andrea Dill
Tasha Dolan
Gayle Fitzpatrick
Judy Flessner
Kara Frank
Lori Goede
Linda Grandolfo
Kandyce Harber
Beverly Hatcher
Karen Hickman
Nancy Hohmann
Ardeen Hoke
Barbara Hunt
Ilinca Iacob
Carole Jones
Caroline Lazzara
Michelle Lopez
Carly Petersen Loth
Karen Marchese
Ann McCord
Kari McCullough
Vicki Menna
Beth Anne Merida
Leslie Michaels
Chris Miller
Kaya Miller
Dana Moreland
Toni Morgan
Lisa Niedenthal
Julie O’Brien
Kaci O’Donnell
Terry Palmer
Rissa Reddan
Cindee Riordan
Chantel Scheiffer
Kathy Sowell
Susan Jane Story
Meghan Stringer
Joyce Strout
Jessica Toner
Dionn Tronn
Carey Unger
Cindy Visot
Dian Volkmer
Sally Wagaman
Jessie Wang-Grimm
Anne Wilmes
Leslie Wininger
Barb Zipperian
Join Team AOII and sisters in your network by participating in a friendly Network Challenge. Who will take home the win this year?
Thank you, Laurie Deakin, for being the Network Challenge Champion!
Alpha, Columbia U
Alpha Nu, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Beta Upsilon, Bryant U
Gamma, U of Maine
Gamma Chi, Carleton U
Gamma Phi, Seton Hall U
Iota Theta, Monmouth U
Kappa Phi, McGill U
Lambda Lambda, U of Connecticut
Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U
Phi Beta, East Stroudsburg U
Sigma Beta, Saint Joseph's U
Theta Pi, Wagner College
Give Here to Support Network 1
Thank you, LeAnne Kienast, for being the Network Challenge Champion!
Alpha Mu, Duquesne U
Beta Eta, Gettysburg College
Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State U
Epsilon Chi, Elon U
Gamma Alpha, George Mason U
Phi Lambda, Youngstown State U
Pi Delta, U of Maryland
Rho Beta, Virginia Commonwealth U
Sigma Alpha, West Virginia U
Sigma Rho, Slippery Rock U
Sigma Tau, Washington College
Tau Lambda, Shippensburg U
Theta Beta, Towson U
Zeta Psi, East Carolina U
Give Here to Support Network 2
Thank you, Stephanie Chandler, for being the Network Challenge Champion!
Beta Nu, Illinois State U
Beta Phi, Indiana U
Chi Lambda, U of Evansville
Delta Gamma, Missouri State U
Delta Pi, U of Central Missouri
Delta Rho, DePaul U
Delta Xi, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Epsilon Sigma, Quincy U
Iota, U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U
Phi Chi, U of Chicago
Phi Delta, U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Phi Upsilon, Purdue U
Give Here to Support Network 3
Thank you, Meghan Stringer and Bri Dzuricskor, for being the Network Challenge Champions!
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U
Beta Chi, Kentucky Wesleyan College
Delta Omega, Murray State U
Epsilon Omega, Eastern Kentucky U
Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College
Lambda Omicron, Cumberland U
Omicron, U of Tennessee, Knoxville
Pi Alpha, U of Louisville
Pi Omicron, Austin Peay State U
Rho Omicron, Middle Tennessee State U
Sigma Gamma, Appalachian State U
Tau Omega, Transylvania U
Tau Omicron, U of Tennessee of Martin
Thank you, Kathy Culpepper, for being the Network Challenge Champion!
Alpha Epsilon, Wingate U
Alpha Lambda, Georgia Southern U
Alpha Pi, Florida State U
Beta Zeta, Kennesaw State U
Chi Phi, U of South Carolina Aiken
Gamma Omicron, U of Florida
Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U
Gamma Theta, U of South Florida
Lambda Delta, Dalton State College
Lambda Sigma, U of Georgia
Mu Lambda, Rollins College
Phi Gamma, Georgia College & State U
Pi Theta, Florida International U
Thank you, Julie O’Brien, for being the Network Challenge Champion!
Chi Theta, Northeastern State U
Delta Beta, U of Louisiana at Lafayette
Delta Theta, Texas Woman's U
Kappa Chi, Northwestern State U of Louisiana
Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U
Lambda Tau, U of Louisiana at Monroe
Omega Sigma, Oklahoma State U
Sigma Theta, Sam Houston State U
Theta Sigma, Tarleton State U
Upsilon Beta, U of Arkansas-Fort Smith
Upsilon Lambda, U of Texas at San Antonio
Xi, U of Oklahoma
Xi Omicron, U of Arkansas
Thank you, Laurie Mills, for being the Network Challenge Champion!
Alpha Delta, U of Alabama
Delta Delta, Auburn U
Delta Epsilon, Jacksonville State U
Delta Lambda, Columbus State U
Delta Tau, U of Alabama in Huntsville
Gamma Delta, U of South Alabama
Lambda Chi, LaGrange College
Nu Beta, U of Mississippi
Rho Delta, Samford U
Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College
Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U
Zeta Pi, U of Alabama at Birmingham
Thank you, Sarah Gondek, for being the Network Challenge Champion!
Chi Psi, California Polytechnic State U
Delta Nu, U of Nevada, Reno
Delta Sigma, San Jose State U
Lambda Alpha, U of La Verne
Lambda Beta, California State U, Long Beach
Lambda Iota, U of California, San Diego
Lambda Psi, Arizona State U
Theta Iota, California State U, San Marcos
Theta Omega, Northern Arizona U
Xi Rho, Sonoma State U
Thank you, Mandy Groseth, for being the Network Challenge Champion!
Alpha Gamma, Washington State U
Alpha Phi, Montana State U
Alpha Rho, Oregon State U
Alpha Theta, Coe College
Beta Kappa, U of British Columbia
Beta Sigma, Boise State U
Epsilon Gamma, U of Northern Colorado
Iota Sigma, Iowa State U
Kappa Lambda, U of Calgary
Kappa Sigma, U of Wisconsin-River Falls
Phi Sigma, U of Nebraska at Kearney
Tau, U of Minnesota
Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U
Theta Chi, Morningside U
Zeta, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Thank you, Sharon Wiechman, for being the Network Challenge Champion!
Alpha Psi, Bowling Green State U
Beta Gamma, Michigan State U
Beta Tau, U of Toronto
Chi Epsilon, The Ohio State U
Iota Chi, U of Western Ontario
Kappa Delta, Wright State U
Kappa Rho, Western Michigan U
Lambda Epsilon, U of Waterloo
Lambda Eta, Grand Valley State U
Nu Omega, Northern Kentucky U
Omega, Miami U
Omega Upsilon, Ohio U
Theta Psi, U of Toledo
Chapter of initiation challenges bring an exciting buzzer-beater element to rallying your chapter sisters in support of the Foundation. Participating chapters each have their own page that will be featured on the main donation page, allowing you to monitor your chapter's progress in real-time—watching as donations pour in and excitement builds.
Each chapter will be linked to their network. After Pi Day, the top-ranking group earns bragging rights, but the true victory lies in the support garnered for the Foundation and the funds raised!
Coach Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) and Coach Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U) are returning for a second year to lead Team AOII to victory!
Network 1: Laurie Deakin
Network 2: LeAnne Kienast
Network 3: Stephanie Chandler
Network 4: Meghan Stringer and Bri Dzuricsko
Network 5: Kathy Culpepper
Network 6: Julie O'Brien
Network 7: Laurie Mills
Network 8: Sarah Gondek
Network 9: Mandy Groseth
Network 10: Sharon Wiechman
Alpha Chi: Lauren Elliott
Rho Omicron: Maggie Secrest
Alpha Delta: Mariellen Sasseen and Carole Jones
Delta Delta: Michelle Ayers
Beta Phi: Lisa Niedenthal and Kristin Walters
Phi Upsilon: Rebecca Ruthrauff and Lori McCain
Gamma Omicron: Lori Goede
Alpha Pi: Dianne Clarke and Katie Blommel
Iota: Christine Conry
Nu Iota: Kath Conver and Linda Grandolfo
Lambda Sigma: Joni Ingram
Omicron: Camryn Eaton
Theta Iota: Leslie Michaels
Iota Theta: Carly Bella
Xi: Emily Black
Omega Sigma: Chelsea Hinkle
Alpha Rho:
Alpha Phi:
Team AOII drafted sisters for a new role this year—All-Stars. These sisters signed up to help with Pi Day outreach and promotion, and you might have heard from one of them. We truly appreciate your slam-dunk efforts to support the Foundation for Pi Day, scoring big for a great cause!
Madelyn Van Tiem, Jacklyn Kirshbaum, Stephanie Buettner, Beth Anne Merida, SyAnn Avery, Calyssa Andrews, Karen Marchese, Gabriella DaCosta, Linda Grandolfo, Wendy Andersen, Yvette Connor, Morgan Barr, Serena Bell, Shari Hanneman, Leah Boyd, Trish Moxon, Jess Bertsch, Kathy Culpepper, Michelle Lopez, Rachel Ziglar, and Marjie Vertrees.
Your gift made for Pi Day is critically important to the present and future of our powerful mission! Gifts that support the Loyalty Fund have a far-reaching impact to meet the areas of greatest need of our members and organization.
Yes! Because Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, gifts made at any time throughout the year are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Yes! After you make your online gift, you will receive a confirmation email that can be used for tax purposes.
Absolutely! Matching gifts made by your employer are a great way to make your generosity go the extra mile. To make a matching gift, please contact your employer’s HR department.
We are so grateful for your support of the Foundation. If your collegiate chapter is closed, we encourage you to give through a general donation or to our Alumnae Chapter Match.
Let us know! Please email Carly Petersen Loth, Director of Development at cloth@alphaomicronpi.org.